Monday, April 11, 2016

such a great visit

Last week, foreign exchange college students came and toured our school because they have never seen an american high school. i met with felix and terry. i learned that they are both majoring in business management. i learned that felix played soccer for 20 years and that terry sells IVs for a living and has one son. i told them about my hobbies and personalities and my job. i shared our athletic and theater departments along with our wood shop. i shared the science wing and the elevators and the always of our school. then we shared the culinary and library departments. they enjoyed the theater aspect and the wood shop and the tiny house theyre making. they think that were all very friendly and nice. i personally learned some Chinese characters and got to view photos they took of their home towns and lives. i then learned how our cultures and societies differ and especially how our schools differ greatly. if i had more time i would have tried to learn more about their language and home.

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