Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dream Threads

As i fall, I thought nothing would catch me. Wind is in my face, pressure forcing oxygen from my
lungs. I cant breath. I know why i cant breath but all I could think was that I, I cant breath. The feeling of lightheadedness and panic consume me. i'm falling. Falling to my death. I cant see the ground. Its too dark and clouds are in the way. I'm too high up. I know that. I know it in my mind. somewhere way deep back there i know i'm dreaming it all up. Its all too obvious that its not real. But, I feel it. i feel the certainty of death. I feel it all in such exquisite detail. i feel the cool air harshly biting into my bone. It has to be a dream, right? It needs to be a dream. i force myself to believe that. Because if its not, then i'm going to die here. Not just that, i'm going to die because i made the decision to jump. I thought i could fly. i cant. i thought i could survive this fall. I'm invincible, right? But i know i'm not now. No, this is a dream. just a dream. just a dream. I convince myself that if i dream long and hard enough, it will come true.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that the person "made the decision to jump" and now regrets feeling "invincible" as reality sets in. Adds a whole different element than if he'd been pushed or fell.
