Thursday, May 5, 2016

this is my final

1 well I've written a lot this quarter. relative to how much i normally write which is skirting the lines of zero. though none of it has been due to a genuine need to write i'm glad i wrote what i wrote, i'm proud of the work i actually did, even though that was the small percentage. I've done poetry about caged birds windows and being in charge of the world. I've written analysis' of poets and writers and books. my favorites are the fictitious short stories i have written.

2. well now that I've taken only a little time to read i've decided that out of the blogs that i have read from(2 of them) Dakota English is one of the most interesting people i have ever taken the time to read their blog. i thought that his "when the future is yesterday" piece was so fascinating and visceral. he goes into such detail and has a great "voice". his "voice" is dark, morbid, and often very melancholy. not for everyone but certainly very encapsulating for me. he is a fantastic writer and i hope he reads this post.

3. setting up my blog was rushed and honestly pretty lame. i didnt choose any images or backgrounds or even a creative name for the blog. you probably thought i was a jackass in the beginning, and i havent done much to disprove that assumption. as for who will read it, i dont know. probably someone who is into obscure art found in the blogs of lazy students. i probably wont use it after as im pretty certain my opinions arent that important to the commonwealth out there so ill never post again and its really no skin off my back, or front for that matter.

4. ooh journaling. i could have, and definitely should have done a much better job of journaling.
i think that short stories are my favorite things to write. maybe 1-3 pages, not so much a story as a snapshot, open ended where the possibilities are endless. i never like when a story ends so thats probably why i dont write very many endings. now poetry not so much. ive never been a good poet and honestly dont really know what distinguishes poetry from regular writing. i thought poems rhymed but that rule was thrown out the window years ago.and i dont know how to read poems very well as i failed the poetic meters testing. always hated that. but i do try to read poetry still as its very enjoyable. ill just leave its creation to those that are good at it

5. this was technically a journal entry first so i hope i dont get flagged for a technicality.

For a long time, i went to bed early. I don't know why i did. For the life of me i couldn't explain it. Maybe i was just tired, i don't know. Its hard, running things without you. The shop isn't a one person deal, you know? when we were running it together it was twice as easy. Now that you left for some reason i feel twice the stress. As if we were sharing it. the customers are impatient and the oven just cant handle the bread output anymore. we've gotten bigger since you left, people know about us now. ever since the little issue word got out about it and people just eat that up. people blogging left and right about the so called murder restaurant. murder, what do they know. you just left is all. if it was murder i would have been locked up, right? The police didnt think it was murder, they do but they cant prove it. it was eventually filed as a work related accident. Mom and dad were upset, they seemed to think something was going on too but what did they know? they don't know me, and they stopped answering my calls so they probably never will. They always loved you more anyways, that's all. They thought you were so special, and treated me like trash. and i was born first anyways. Only a few minutes but still first. I'm supposed to be special right? i was special up until the incident with the neighbors kid. it wasn't my fault he got in front of the car. and it was you who sent him down the hill anyways, not me. you just talked to mom first, and they never treated me the same. so yes i was angry, that's why we always fought. we could hardly handle one day at the shop without fighting, that's what led up know. it was your fault it happened, you always thought you were better than me. always trying to boss me around, always making me feel stupid when i forgot things. i still love you you know? i loved you more than they ever could. more than Christi ever could, that bitch. i'm sorry i never told you that i'm the one who left her there at the bottom of the river. they never found her body, i meant it that way. I didn't want you to see what i had done. You wouldn't have understood that i was doing it for you. she wasn't good enough. nobody is good enough. i suppose that's why i did what i did. that apartment wasn't good enough. neither was the casket mom and dad put you in. you wouldn't be able to move around down there you know. my basement is a better place. it has a fridge full of fresh food and a couch and a TV. aren't you glad? makes up for the little spat at the restaurant right? i still feel bad. i shouldn't have yelled. i'm sorry about the knife. and for making it look like an accident. but if i were locked up i wouldn't be able to take care of you now. aren't i the best brother? i've done so much for you. love you bro.
                                                                                                    your best bud
P.S. sorry i forgot to give you the mayonnaise

6. this is my favorite small piece of writing that i have ever done, and honestly i couldnt tell you why

So white was the snow that surrounded us. never had we seen such a beautiful absence of hue or color. it was perfect, a calm sea of bright nothing, seeming solid as glass yet as flowing as water. only hours ago we could have looked upon this in awe, admiring the beauty of nature before us. we would have praised god for creating such a beautiful sight just for its all turned sour. the bright reflection of the snow seemed blinding now. and the once unbroken surface was not scarred with 5 pairs of snowshoe prints, and uncountable smaller paw prints following them. and the pure blank mass was now soaked with large sprays and mists and pools of the darkest red we have ever seen.

And the sky was such a beautiful blue this morning. vast and cloudless, it seemed like a perfect canvas to draw in the moon, stars and universe that would be soon visible in the night sky. the horizon showed the snow covered desert meeting the light sky, a perfect line, uninterrupted and perfect, as if god himself had pulled out his strait edge to craft this small pocket of the world. now ugly and clouded the sight of the sky filled us with dread. the dread that we would not be here to see the sun set or rise again. this ugly blotched dark cloudy sky was the last we will ever see.

7. i honestly will probably do a little when the mood suits me. i love describing beautiful and ugly things in exquisite detail, probably the explanation of the question above and the whole post it was used in. i loved finding ways to describe a color without saying it. i feel clever when i write but thats about all i get from it. maybe i get a greater sense of fulfillment i dont totally understand. its definitely hard though. mostly due to the fact that i get writers block faster than you can say Kickapoo Creative Writing Spring 2016. it gets extremely frustrating

8. honestly you guys are some of the most complex interesting people i have had the pleasure of knowing, even though i barely talked to you. i gathered a lot just from listening to your conversations like a huge weirdo but dont hate me for that, i like people watching. keep writing and keep working hard and you'll do great things

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

pictures of a millennium

this is an iconic moment from the early 2000s. the exact moment when america knew it was about to change. and the only people who truly witnessed it were in this very room. his face says it all. shock and concern, his country was under attack and his people needed him. he became the hero that they loved then and would make jokes about for years the following years he sent our troops to a place we didn't like to fight a war we didn't want. Gorge w bush wasn't a perfect man, but he did what he thought was right for the good of our nation, even if it was an unpopular opinion. that takes guts. or, maybe, something sinister was afoot. is it fear we see in his eyes? or the look of a man who's plan comes together. is that a furrowed brow? or the hidden smirk of a man who likes to leave thermite at ground zero. he wasn't a popular president before the attack. very little pull on office. he won by a small margin after all. this did get him the support he needed for a go at the middle east. is he the concerned hero of this story? or a wolf in sheep's clothing? we might never know. just remember kids, jet fuel ant melt steel beams.

reely good quotes

reel life

1. my favorite movie (movies) of all time have got to be the star wars trilogy. while i think theyre not the best movies by any means to me they are the best cinematic experience ive ever had. there is nothing that gets me quite as excited as hearing the opening theme and watching those great yellow letters scroll through the stars. ive never been disappointed by a star wars movie.

2. i dont tend to like chick flics or over the top action movies, with a huge exception to kingsman the secret service because that movie is awesome. i dont like most comedies because most are not funny. though i love most will farrel movies that hes ever made. i also think mark whalberg is hilarious. Jonah hill and channing Tatum are great together as well. romance and romantic comedies are a no go

3. i watch movies often on a couch with few to no distractions. its the best way to enjoy a movie next to an empty theater. it helps me pay attention and i can have it as loud as i want. the chair has to be soft with the option to lay back. no food is required and no drinks either.

4. all i need to properly enjoy a movie is really just a good movie. all the rest just helps but thats it, its not required. and i dont like people who ask questions throughout the movie. worst thing ever.

6. if my life were a movie i would be played by Jake gyllenhal some main points would be my departure to the military, my first deplayment. my coming home to my family would be another huge one. i think my story would have not a sad ending but a quick crashing and unanticipated one. something i or the audience would never expect. it would hit hard and fast, leaving the audience confused and leave a morbid taste in the air.

Monday, April 11, 2016

such a great visit

Last week, foreign exchange college students came and toured our school because they have never seen an american high school. i met with felix and terry. i learned that they are both majoring in business management. i learned that felix played soccer for 20 years and that terry sells IVs for a living and has one son. i told them about my hobbies and personalities and my job. i shared our athletic and theater departments along with our wood shop. i shared the science wing and the elevators and the always of our school. then we shared the culinary and library departments. they enjoyed the theater aspect and the wood shop and the tiny house theyre making. they think that were all very friendly and nice. i personally learned some Chinese characters and got to view photos they took of their home towns and lives. i then learned how our cultures and societies differ and especially how our schools differ greatly. if i had more time i would have tried to learn more about their language and home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

hopper inspired piece

A and B have waited for over an hour before C arrived, and even longer before B brokev the silence that followed.
"what are you wearing, i told you to look inconspicuous?" asked b

"No one can see who I am so id say i am looking inconspicuous" c replied

"inconspicuous means unnoticed, everybody noticed the clown walking into the restaraunt"

"But, my friend, who in their right mind would dress as a clown? Certainly not a wanted criminal about to attempt a robbery"

"Be quiet you idiot, someone will hear you!"

"Look around us, no one is looking or listening, if you looked closely they are trying their hardest to avoid it. its the perfect camouflage."

In the silence A finally spoke for the first time "i agree with C and no one followed us in, we're in the clear"

C lit a cigarette and sneered at B

A spoke again "Now C did you bring the stuff?

C smiled "once again the clown saves the day. Its all packed into the thick concealing jacket of my costume"

"what did you bring?"

"Two 45.s and one 12 gauge"

"seems a little overkill for a fancy restaurant like this"

"never can be too careful"

B spoke again "yeah right you just wanted to use a shotgun, we could get away clean with th knives on our table if we needed to"

C replied "so what, as long as we get the money"

A spoke again "the weeks over so all the money they made will be all in the safebox upstairs, judging by the turnout there should be over $2000 dollars in there, plus whats in these peoples wallets"

C replied with a smile "well lets get on with it then, i doubt these people have ever been robbed by a clown"

A spoke "okay. 1..."

B "2.."

finally C screamed "3!" and opened his jacket

but they weren't faster than the woman beside them who had her gun pointed at Cs head before he could even open his jacket. She spoke in a gruff voice and calmly said "sheriffs deputy, you're under arrest"

and the clown in the restaurant just pouted with a cigarette in his mouth

pictures for china

the only nature centered area of our school
is the school nature gardens

a collection of square floor tiles
the backbone of our education system

even round things find a home in this school

Dakota English, poet, spiritual mentor

something, or better yet someone
i would describe as beautiful

someone who makes me smile with his
a very interesting angle

a quintecential american ready to battle for equality of all elements on
the table
something that looks like a face but really isnt